Responsive grid system for jQuery

Updated on May 17, 2021

Flexible 12 column grid system for building responsive layouts with flexbox

Mobile first responsive layout built with flexbox. Working with 12 columns across five breakpoints to cover a great variety of screen sizes.

Sizes cover extra small - up to 576 px, small, medium, large and extra large screens - above 1200 px.

Use it to create flexible layouts with the following features:

  • Five built-in breakpoints
  • Optional fixed width grids
  • 12 column grid across all screen sizes for fine grain control
  • Vertical and horizontal alignment of columns inside the grid
  • Column offsets for precise positioning
  • Push and pull for reordering content responsively
  • Equal width columns and dynamic width columns
  • Future proof built with flexbox

Grid layout demos available for other frameworks.

Viewing demos & code for

jQuery Grid layout Grid layout for jQuery and jQuery Mobile

Grid layout - Column sizing

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Column sizing
JQuery Grid system with multiple ways to layout content. Equal width, specific width, dynamic and self adjusting columns.
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Grid layout - Vertical alignment

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Vertical alignment
JQuery Grid system with multiple ways to vertically align content. Layout at the start, center or the end of the grid.
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Grid layout - Horizontal alignment

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Horizontal alignment
JQuery Grid system with multiple ways to horizontally align content. Push to start, middle, end or justify around/in-between.
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Grid layout - Offsetting columns

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Offsetting columns
JQuery Grid layout example for pushing content with column offsets. Adjust the left margin with as much as needed.
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Grid layout - Push and pull

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Push and pull
JQuery Grid system with responsive re-arranging content using push and pull features. Specify behavior on breakpoints.
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Grid layout - Responsive

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JQuery Responsive grid system showing off different methods for laying out content based on breakpoints or without it.
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Grid layout - Fixed width

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Fixed width
JQuery Grid layout demo with fixed width container. Depending on the screen-size, the responsive container gets a fixed width.
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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

Copy command
$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Ionic project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config ionic --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Create an Ionic 3 & Mobiscroll starter with the CLI:

$ mobiscroll start ionic myStarter

Run this command for Ionic 4 & Mobiscroll starter:

$ mobiscroll start ionic-angular myStarter

Step 3.Copy the code into your app.

Copy TS
Copy CSS
Copy Module

Step 4.Run ionic serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ionic serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

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Follow this quick, two minute install guide
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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

Copy command
$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Ionic project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config ionic --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Run this command for Ionic 5 & React Mobiscroll starter:

$ mobiscroll start react-ionic myStarter

Step 3.Copy the code into your app.

Copy TSX
Copy CSS

Step 4.Run ionic serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ionic serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

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Install demo in your app
Follow this quick, two minute install guide
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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

Copy command
$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Angular project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config angular --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Step 3.Copy the code into your app. HTML goes into the markup, TS into Typescript.

Copy TS
Copy CSS
Copy Module

Step 4.Run ng serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ng serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

Thanks for downloading
Try and customize the app locally

Extract the zip file and run the project like any Ionic app. Make sure to have Ionic CLI installed and open the terminal in the app root folder.

Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ionic serve

Let us know if we can help and enjoy!

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Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.

We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

Extract the zip file and open the demo in your favorite browser. To install Mobiscroll in your project follow instructions from this page.

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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Please extract the zip file and run the project like any Angular CLI app. Make sure to have the Angular CLI installed.

For installation and usage, extract the zip file and open a terminal window and follow these steps.

Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ng serve --open

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.

We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

The easiest way to get started is to follow the installation steps and by grabbing the code directly from the demo page. Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

You'll find a fully functional Kitchen-sink Ionic app in the zip file.

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Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.

We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

The demos are using Babel's in-browser ES6 and JSX transformer.
Extract the zip file and open the demo in your browser. To install Mobiscroll in your project follow instructions from this page.

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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