Listview for Angular and Ionic Framework

Updated on May 17, 2021
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Advanced list view component with gesture, swipe and drag & drop support.

Use it along Mobiscroll forms, pages or in any web or mobile hybrid app. Suited for small to large screens.

Shipping with useful features for a refined UX, including:

  • Support for alternating row color
  • Use it with single, multi-line text or custom content
  • Render cards instead of full-width rows
  • Enhance content with images, avatars and icons
  • Built-in support for sorting and ordering
  • Multiple data-source support
  • Load on demand capabilities
  • Top positioned sticy header for segmenting the list
  • Simple to advanced grouping capabilities
  • CRUD with undo functionality
  • Full-blown gesture support
  • Hierarchical listviews with variable depth
  • Multiple theme support

As part of Gesture enabled listview it can be picked up with the Framework and Complete licenses or with the component license.

Listview available for other frameworks.

Viewing demos & code for

Angular and Ionic Listview Listview for Angular and Ionic Framework

Listview - Basic

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Angular Listview demo for creating a simple list of items. Add stripes for alternating background colors of list items. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Content

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Angular Listview demo for rendering different types of content. Use it for multi-line text, cards or any content with custom CSS. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Image/Icon/Avatar

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Angular Listview image demo for rendering content with regular images, icons and avatars. Customize it with custom CSS. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Selecting items

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Selecting items
Angular Listview item selection example. Select a single item or enable multiple selection for batch operations. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Sorting & ordering

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Sorting & ordering
Angular Listview reorder demo. Grab and sort from drag handle on the left or right side, or tap/click and hold to sort. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Sticky header

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Sticky header
Angular Listview demo with sticky header. List out names or contacts grouped alphabetically with the first letter on top. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Grouping

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Angular Listview demo with group headers. Use it to logically segment and group items without creating multiple lists. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Create, Read, Update, Delete

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Create, Read, Update, Delete
Angular Listview demo with CRUD operations & swipe actions. Slide right to update and left to delete items. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Remove/Undo

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Angular Listview demo with swipe-away delete and built-in undo functionality. Use it for laying out notifications or any data. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Swipe actions

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Swipe actions
Angular Listview demo with swipe revealing actions. Render an action list or action menu when sliding items left and right. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Hierarchy

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Angular Listview with multi-level hierarchy and drill-down interface. Featuring images, icons and text. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Checklist

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Angular Drag & Drop checklist/tasklist with swipe actions to add/remove items from todo listview. Sorting is supported. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Filtering

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Angular Listview demo with dynamic data and live filtering. Add and remove items on the fly or reload the full list. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Data sources

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Data sources
Angular Listview demo with different ways of getting and passing data. Supporting hardcoded lists, dynamic and remote data. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Load on demand

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Load on demand
Angular Listview load on demand demo. Load data from a REST service and populate the list as users scroll content. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Load more

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Load more
Angular Listview demo with load more button for loading additional items from a REST service. Get and display records from JSON. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Listview - Master-detail view

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Master-detail view

Build a two pane master-detail view with the help of the listview. Use the grid layout to set up the two columns - left side for a list of names, right side for showing the details. If you want to get into the details you could even hide the first column and build a drawer or use a hamburger menu for the master list.

Use the navigation component for the tabs and cards for building the layout of the details view.

Want to learn more about building responsive layouts?  Check out the grid layout →
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Listview - Event handlers

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Event handlers
Angular Listview demo with event hooks for deep integration and custom functionality. With source code. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
Clear event log
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Listview - Quick Navigation

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Quick Navigation
Angular Listview demo with quick access to list segments. Alphabetically group items and provide a tab list for selection. For Angular 19 and Ionic 8.
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Install demo in your app
Follow this quick, two minute install guide
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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

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$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Ionic project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config ionic --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Step 3.Copy the code into your app.

Copy TS
Copy CSS
Copy Module

Step 4.Run ionic serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ionic serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

Install demo in your app
Follow this quick, two minute install guide
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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

Copy command
$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Ionic project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config ionic --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Step 3.Copy the code into your app.

Copy TSX
Copy CSS

Step 4.Run ionic serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ionic serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

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Install demo in your app
Follow this quick, two minute install guide
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Step 1.Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm

Copy command
$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

The CLI makes configuring your apps super simple 👍

Step 2.Run the following command in the root folder of your Angular project

Copy command
$ mobiscroll config angular --version=4

You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. Set your password here

Step 3.Copy the code into your app. HTML goes into the markup, TS into Typescript.

Copy TS
Copy CSS
Copy Module

Step 4.Run ng serve in the root folder of your app 🎉

Copy command
$ ng serve

And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.

Thanks for downloading
Try and customize the app locally

Extract the zip file and run the project like any Ionic app. Make sure to have Ionic CLI installed and open the terminal in the app root folder.

Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ionic serve

Let us know if we can help and enjoy!

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Customize demos locally

We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

Extract the zip file and open the demo in your favorite browser. To install Mobiscroll in your project follow instructions from this page.

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

Thanks for downloading
Customize demos locally

Please extract the zip file and run the project like any Angular CLI app. Make sure to have the Angular CLI installed.

For installation and usage, extract the zip file and open a terminal window and follow these steps.

Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ng serve --open

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

The easiest way to get started is to follow the installation steps and by grabbing the code directly from the demo page. Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

You'll find a fully functional Kitchen-sink Ionic app in the zip file.

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We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.

The demos are using Babel's in-browser ES6 and JSX transformer.
Extract the zip file and open the demo in your browser. To install Mobiscroll in your project follow instructions from this page.

Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍

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