Javascript Cards demo showing off how to include videos with and without description. Content can be shown around media cards. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript Cards demo that contains gesture enabled checklist and hierarchical listview. Add or remove elements from the list. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript social cards demo with avatar, name, timestamp, photos, text and various actions. Build custom templates. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript Cards demo with various form elements. Add text fields, selects, checkboxes, sliders, switch, radio, buttons & more. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript Notification card demo. Use it like notification center or google now. Swipe away to clear. With source code. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
<divclass="mbsc-note mbsc-note-primary mbsc-align-center">
Swipe left/right to clear cards.
</div><ulclass="mbsc-card-list mbsc-cloak md-card-swipe-list"><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-content"><imgsrc=""draggable="false"class="mbsc-avatar"><divclass="mbsc-card-title mbsc-bold">Netflix</div><divclass="mbsc-card-subtitle">Sherlock Series 3 is now avalable on Netflix</div></div></li><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-content"><imgsrc=""draggable="false"class="mbsc-avatar"><divclass="mbsc-card-title mbsc-bold">Angry birds</div><divclass="mbsc-card-subtitle">Don't forget your daily Arena entry.</div></div></li><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-content"><imgsrc=""draggable="false"class="mbsc-avatar"><divclass="mbsc-card-title mbsc-bold">Candycam</div><divclass="mbsc-card-subtitle">A new update is available!</div></div></li><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-header"><divclass="mbsc-card-title">Today is Jenifer's birthday</div></div><divclass="mbsc-card-content">
Don't forget she is turning 25!!!
</div><divclass="mbsc-card-footer"><buttonclass="mbsc-btn-flat"data-icon="phone">Call</button><buttonclass="mbsc-btn-flat"data-icon="bubble">Message</button></div></li><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-content"><imgsrc=""draggable="false"class="mbsc-avatar"><divclass="mbsc-card-title mbsc-bold">Subway Surf</div><divclass="mbsc-card-subtitle">Is it your lucky day? 24-Hour Mega Jackpint Event happening right now!</div></div></li><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-content"><imgsrc=""draggable="false"class="mbsc-avatar"><divclass="mbsc-card-title mbsc-bold">Mobiscroll</div><divclass="mbsc-card-subtitle">The new Mobiscroll 4.0.0 is out!</div></div></li><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-header"><h2class="mbsc-card-title">15 minutes to work</h2></div><imgsrc=""draggable="false"><divclass="mbsc-btn-group-block"><buttonclass="mbsc-btn-flat mbsc-align-left"data-icon="ion-navigate">Navigate / 15 min. via Shotwell St</button><buttonclass="mbsc-btn-flat mbsc-align-left"data-icon="fa-rotate-left">Alternative route / 18 mins</button></div></li><limbsc-card><divclass="mbsc-card-content"><imgsrc=""draggable="false"class="mbsc-avatar"><divclass="mbsc-card-title mbsc-bold">Open Camera</div><divclass="mbsc-card-subtitle">A new update is available!</div></div></li></ul>
Javascript Stacked and rotated cards with tinder-like swipe away interaction. Use cards with listview gestures and custom CSS. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript Image card demo with description. Use it between content blocks or virtually anywhere for clean rendering. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript Collapsible card list with summary in the header and additional content visible when the card is expanded. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript Image cards with variable height in masonry layout. Four column layout similar to how Pinterest renders content. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Javascript image card grid with title and description. Use it in horizontally scrollable lists or responsive grid layout. Plain JS api for usage everywhere.
Step 4.Run ng serve in the root folder of your app 🎉
Copy command
$ ng serve
And voilà, everything should be running smoothly.
Thanks for downloading
Try and customize the app locally
Extract the zip file and run the project like any Ionic app. Make sure to have Ionic CLI installed and open the terminal in the app root folder.
Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ionic serve
Let us know if we can help and enjoy!
Thanks for downloading
Customize demos locally
Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.
We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.
Extract the zip file and open the demo in your favorite browser.
To install Mobiscroll in your project
follow instructions from this page.
Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍
Thanks for downloading
Customize demos locally
Please extract the zip file and run the project like any Angular CLI app.
Make sure to have the Angular CLI installed.
For installation and usage, extract the zip file and open a terminal window and follow these steps.
Step 1. Run in root folder
$ npm install
Step 2. Start the app
$ ng serve --open
Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍
Thanks for downloading
Customize demos locally
Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.
We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.
The easiest way to get started is to follow the installation steps and by
grabbing the code directly from the demo page. Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍
You'll find a fully functional Kitchen-sink Ionic app in the zip file.
Thanks for downloading
Customize demos locally
Everything is set up so that you can dig in right away and start exploring.
We have set up a trial so that you can try the demos locally.
The demos are using Babel's in-browser ES6 and JSX transformer. Extract the zip file and open the demo in your browser. To install Mobiscroll in your project
follow instructions from this page.
Let us know if we can help and enjoy! 👍
Customize & try this demo locally
Sign in or start your free trial
We have to set you up with a trial for this to run 👍